
Shock Sleeve Pro Knee Gasket

1 set
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9 sets
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Nors "Ennui" "Shock Sleeve Pro Knee Gasket" gal ir nesuteikia tokio pat lygio apsaugos kaip storas paminkštintas kietas apsauginis gaubtas, ji tikrai tai kompensuoja, nes leidžia laisvai judėti užsiimant aktyviu sportu.

Prie tamprios megztos medvilninės įmautės iš vidaus pritvirtintos silikono juostelės, kad apsaugotų nuo slydimo, užtikrintų, jog įklotai gerai priglustų ir visą laiką išliktų savo vietoje. Šios įklotai pagaminti iš unikalios medžiagos - SPC, kurią sukūrė "Ennui/Powerslide" kūrėjų komanda ir vaikinai iš "MyFit", gaminantys "Powerslide" riedlenčių įklotus.

Ši medžiaga ne tik sugeria smūgio apkrovą, bet ir padeda ją išsklaidyti visoje konstrukcijoje, taip užtikrindama, kad smūgis į jūsų sąnarius būtų kuo mažesnis. Pro versija turi dilimui atsparią kevlaro dangą, kuri užtikrina didesnį lankstumo komfortą ir apsaugą nei neprofesionali versija ir leidžia jums judėti dar laisviau.

Akivaizdus šios minkšto apvalkalo apsaugos privalumas yra ir mažas svoris, ir galimybė būti apsaugotam po įprasta apranga - tai leidžia atrodyti stilingai ir kartu būti visiškai apsaugotam.

Be apsaugos nuo susidūrimo, profesionalų versija taip pat apsaugo ir nuo slydimo, nes turi labai atsparią dilimui Aramido pluošto dangą. Protingas pasirinkimas leidžiantis nuo kalno longboardininkams ir greitųjų riedlenčių mėgėjams. Be to, profesionalus modelis yra šiek tiek lengvesnis už neprofesionalų versiją, nes beveik nieko nesveria.


Fitting sistema:
Perfect fit under clothes, Protective zones
Rodyti visus

atsiliepimai   (49)

Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Quite simply the last knee gasket you’ll ever want to buy. They’re discrete, supportive, and most importantly, a pleasure to fall in - to an extent that you’ll almost wish you were worse at skating."
Brendan V. (Mount Lawley) 24/07/29
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Very comfortable"
Cherneese Gillespie (Selby) 22/05/26
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"These gaskets are lovely and comfy and have certainly done the job when I’ve taken a tumble. I’m in my 40s so need to feel well protected, but capped knee pads felt too restrictive. These are fab. The fit is a bit tight. I measured properly and still they could have been bigger - I suspect they were designed around men whose thighs don’t get thicker the higher up you get like a woman’s does, but they do the job and they stay up. I’m very happy overall."
Helen S. (Leicester) 22/01/17
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Really great, not bulky just what I wanted thanks"
Teresa Argue (Drogheda) 21/04/27
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Best Pads I have ever bought in my life!!! Worth every penny and has been saving myself the injuries and keeps me skating everyday!!! Thanks!!!"
Alexander Paz (Hanapepe) 21/03/29
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Good quality pads. Fit under looser clothing. They get hard when cold but soften up when you've had them on for a while. I've not fell onto them yet so I can't say how effective they are at cushioning impacts."
David Caplin (London) 21/03/16
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"High quality I am pleased with everything about it."
Ahmed Kardash (London) 21/03/15
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"These knees pads are Great and can take a licking! They fit under my pants and restrict my movement very little."
Chris Browning (Elberfeld) 21/02/06
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"I watched a video on youtube by a professional skater who recommended this product and I am glad I purchased it. It delivered on quality, safety and looks. Very happy with it."
Srebrina Balova (Santa Monica) 21/01/15
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Perfect protection. Cant fault them"
Mrs Margaret Keck (Stroud) 20/12/29
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"They are light, comfortable to where you don't notice to mutch that you are using them, you can get a bit worn, buy mutch better than a normal pad, plus as the foam is always soft only change in a big shock, so it gets hard as plastic and gives you the right protection at the right moment."
Paulo Levi Silva Bras (Ipswich) 20/10/13
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Excellent sleeves! Expensive, but well worth it. The fit is spot on using the measurements in the size guide. They fit nicely under clothing and are a nice combination of flexibility and protection."
Ken Thomas (Dalkeith) 20/09/04
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"I love these, the definitely have helped save my knees, I *probably* could've gotten a small instead of a medium because they are a little looser than I think they should be, but I love wearing them under my pants and feel secure with them on. I took a big fall with them down a big bowl, I had a freshly healed scar on my knee and the friction ripped off the new skin. I will wear big knee pads with plastic covers in vert and big bowls as I'm learning, but hey they did save my knee caps."
Chloe Joesten (Bainbridge Island) 20/08/08
Patvirtintas pirkėjas
"Brilliant, worth the extra to go with these. Soft but Really protective. My boys are teenagers and don’t have the biggest legs but went for size L/XL and say the size is perfect for them. Others in the past, different makes in size M were too tight."
Paula B. (Church Lawton) 20/07/28
Rodyti visus 49 atsiliepimus