
Size chart & sizing guide SFR - Vaikams Inline riedučiai

Measure your foot length (Mondopoint) to find the corresponding size. We always recommend to use the official size conversion chart below.

Conversion chart - Find your size

Foot length
EU sizeUK KidsUS Kids
187 mm25.58C10Y
195 mm26.59C11Y
203 mm2810C12Y
211 mm2911C13Y
218 mm30.512C1
226 mm3213C2
234 mm3313
242 mm3424
250 mm35.535
258 mm3746
266 mm3857
274 mm39.568

Notice: This brand does not use the same sizing guide for all products. Please check the sizing guide we show on each product.

Kaip matuoti

Vadovaukitės toliau pateiktomis instrukcijomis ir palyginkite savo išmatavimus su dydžių lentele

Foot length

Place your foot against a wall and measure the distance from the wall to the tip of your toes.

Manufacturers do not always use the same sizes for shoes. Therefore, we recommend using the foot length to find the correct size. The international standard for foot length is known as Mondopoint and indicates the size of the foot in millimeters (mm).

How to measure your foot length

Tipas! Naudokite minkštą matavimo juostą, kad įsitikintumėte, jog gaminys tinkamai tinka. Arba naudokite virvutę ir išmatuokite ją pagal liniuotę.
